string.charAt() | First character | 'UDocs'.charAt() == 'U' |
string.charAt( index) | Character at position index, starting at 0 | 'UDocs'.charAt(3) == 'c' |
string.charCodeAt() | First UTF-16 code unit | '⟌ division'.codePointAt() == 0x27cc |
string.charCodeAt( index) | UTF-16 code unit at position index, starting at 0 | 'Cube root ∛'.charCodeAt(10) == 0x221b |
string.codePointAt() | First UTF-16 code point | '∜16'.codePointAt() == 0x221c |
string.codePointAt( index) | UTF-16 code point at position index, starting at 0 | 'For all ∀'.codePointAt(8) == 0x2200 |
string.concat( string, …) | Concatenates, or joins, strings | 'UD'.concat('o', 'cs') == 'UDocs' |
string.includes( search) | Determines if search is within string | 'UDocs'.includes('cs') |
string.includes( search, position) | Determines if search is within string starting at position | !'UDocs'.includes('cs', 4) |
string.endsWith( search) | Determines if string ends with search | 'UDocs'.endsWith('cs') |
string.endsWith( search, *endPosition) | Determines if string ending at endPosition ends with search | !'UDocs'.endsWith('cs', 3) |
string.indexOf( search) | Index of the first occurrence of search or -1 | 'UDocs'.indexOf('cs') == 3 |
string.indexOf( search, position) | Index of the first occurrence of search starting from position or -1 | 'UDocs'.indexOf('cs', 4) == -1 |
string.lastIndexOf( search) | Index of the last occurrence of search or -1 | 'UDocsUDocs'.lastIndexOf('cs') == 8 |
string.lastIndexOf( search, position) | Index of the last occurrence of search starting from position or -1 | 'UDocsUDocs'.lastIndexOf('cs', 7) == 3 |
string.localeCompare( compare, locale) | \begin{cases} \text{negative number} & \text{if string } \lt \text{compare}\newline0 & \text{if string } == \text{compare}\newline\text{positive number} & \text{if string } \gt \text{compare} \end{cases} | '晚安'.localeCompare('你早', 'zh-CN') == 1 |
string.match( regexp) | Array with matched string and capture groups from regexp | 'UDocs'.match(/o(.)s/)[1] == 'c' |
string.normalize( form) | Unicode Normalization Form, defaults to 'NFC' | 'ñandu\u0301'.normalize().length == 5 |
string.padEnd( length, padding) | Pads end of string to reach length with padding, padding defaults to a space | 'UDocs'.padEnd(7) == 'UDocs ' |
string.padStart( length, padding) | Pads start of string to reach length with padding, padding defaults to a space | 'UDocs'.padStart(7, '-') == '--UDocs' |
string.repeat( count) | String repeated count times | 'UD'.repeat(3) == 'UDUDUD' |
string.replace( search, replacement) | String with search string or regular expression replaced by replacement string or function | 'UDocs'.replace(/..cs/, 'Code') == 'UCode' | regexp) | First match index of regexp or -1 | 'UDocs'.search('.s') == 3 |
string.slice( start) | String from index start, or index start + string.length if start is negative | 'UDocs'.slice(-2) == 'cs' |
string.slice( start, end) | String from index start, or index start+ string.length if start is negative to index end-1 , or index end-1+ string.length if end is negative | 'UDocs'.slice(1, -1) == 'Doc' |
string.split( separator, limit) | String split into an array separated by separator up to an optional limit of strings, splits every letter if separator is empty string | 'UDocs'.split('o')[1] == 'cs' |
string.startsWith( search) | Determines if string starts with search | 'UDocs'.startsWith('UD') |
string.startsWith( search, *startPosition) | Determines if string starting at startPosition starts with search | 'UDocs'.startsWith('cs', 3) |
string.substr( start) | String from index start, or index start + string.length if start is negative | 'UDocs'.substr(-2) == 'cs' |
string.substr( start, length) | String from index start, or index start+ string.length if start is negative to length characters | 'UDocs'.substr(1, 3) == 'Doc' |
string.substring( start) | String from index start | 'UDocs'.substring(3) == 'cs' |
string.substring( start, end) | String between index start and end, not including end | 'UDocs'.substring(1, 4) == 'Doc' |
string.toLocaleLowerCase( locale) | Lowercase string in locale | 'UΔocs'.toLocaleLowerCase('el') == 'uδocs' |
string.toLocaleUpperCase( locale) | Uppercase string in locale | 'Uδocs'.toLocaleUpperCase('el') == 'UΔOCS' |
string.toLowerCase() | Lowercase string | 'UDocs'.toLowerCase() == 'udocs' |
string.toString() | String representation of string, for when you don't know string is a string | 'UDocs'.toString() == 'UDocs' |
string.toUpperCase() | Uppercase string | 'UDocs'.toUpperCase() == 'UDOCS' |
string.trim() | Whitespace removed from left and right sides | ' UDocs '.trim() == 'UDocs' |
string.trimLeft() | Whitespace removed from left side | ' UDocs '.trimLeft() == 'UDocs ' |
string.trimRight() | Whitespace removed from right side | ' UDocs '.trimRight() == ' UDocs' |
string.valueOf() | Primitive string version of string | new String('UDocs').valueOf() == 'UDocs' |